Happy New Year!
Sailing is the best way to start any year, of course... I took today's photos from the deck of the Hirondelle, a Pearson 390, during the annual Oriental "Better than Football" regatta.
You might not believe it from the photos showing so many boats in front of us, but the Hirondelle and crew took FIRST PLACE IN THE RACE!!! I will explain about our winning techniques below. Secrets all sailors should learn.
BUT FIRST, some more pics from the race:

Captain Dave (on left) and two thirds of the crew... First Mate Liz at the helm, well-covered against the fresh breeze, and Cabin Boy Fred (my brother) waiting for orders, while yours truly Boatswain Ben snaps the pic after dropping and securing the main
Here are a couple of shots of the fleet on the down-wind leg towards Adams Creek:
(Click on images for full size)
OK, ready for the secret of how to win when almost the entire fleet is ahead of you??
Pick a race where the winners are drawn by lots at the post-race meeting!
Best when its cold outside, and hot soup and drinks at M&M's Restaurant accompany the judging:
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