A photo a day from Oriental, NC, the surrounding Pamlico County area, and nearby rivers, creeks, bays and other waterways of coastal North Carolina.

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Monday, March 16, 2009

3.16- Spring Chickens

Chickens prove the truth of the "Vari Kennel" name for their temporary roost

This small flock of chickens was spotted in Oriental's old village as they awaited trans-shipment through town... their ultimate destination is a farm in the mountains of western NC.

The four hens and a cock are not destined for dinner-plates, but for egg-laying and pecking around the farmyard.

See a couple additional chicken-pics on today's Dinghy Dock.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good looking chickens. I must say my mom never had such pretty birds during the war years. We had plain old Sears and Roebuck peeps that were not sorted (cheaper) and might grow up into anything with the name "chicken" attached.