(iPhone photos today... but you can still click to enlarge)
Walking back from the Town and Country grocery this evening, my brother and I heard percussive beats emanating from town hall...
My brother Fred, being a musician (albeit a guitar player), soon found himself joining in on some trance-inducing jams - that's him background-right wearing the hoodie in the photo above.
The "Drumming Dragons" are an integral part of Oriental's New Years Eve festivities - they lead the rhythmic drumming and pot & pan-banging that summons Oriental's Dragon out of its lair for the annual "Running of the Dragon" street celebration of incoming new year.
(see great pictures of last year's Dragon Run at TownDock.Net... I'm generally inside the dragon after enjoying some festive bevs, so I don't have any of my own pics)
Others in tonight's weekly drum circle meeting were (starting to Fred's left, going clockwise) Roger, Pat, Charlie, Noel and Doug:
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