A photo a day from Oriental, NC, the surrounding Pamlico County area, and nearby rivers, creeks, bays and other waterways of coastal North Carolina.

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Monday, December 15, 2008

12.15- "And now for something we hope you'll really like"

A hungry squirrel approaches an ear of corn attached to the top of a pole

Yes, my photo today is of a squirrel... The ubiquitous, dirty, annoying squirrel.

And what squirrel doesn't like corn?

Problem is (for the squirrel), this corn is not just on the end of a pole... it is on the end of a pivoting pole:

I noticed this contraption spinning around on the side of the tree at the intersection of Second Avenue and Mildred Street here in Oriental and stopped to see what it could be...

This ingenious device not only tortures squirrels, but also provides humans with about the only amusing squirrel scenes I have ever encountered (not involving a moose, that is.) A squirrel will climb up to reach the corn, but the weight of the squirrel causes the pole to rotate around... the squirrel must then leap off or scramble back up the spinning platform to enjoy whatever kernels it was able to get and keep during the process:


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